Hand on Heart Charity is all about educating and equipping as many children as possible with the knowledge and skills to save a life.

That's not a bad way to spend our day!

It’s a little known fact that 12 young people die every week from cardiac arrest in the UK.

Around 270 of those each year will actually die at school.

The only definitive treatment for someone in cardiac arrest is a defibrillator.

Here are some statistics about cardiac arrest:

  • For every minute someone is in cardiac arrest, their chance of survival reduces by 10%
  • Outside of hospital, the UK survival rate for cardiac arrest is only 6%
  • If a defibrillator is available, and used within the first three minutes that someone is in cardiac arrest, their chance of survival soars to 74%
  • There are around 25,339 primary and secondary schools in the UK with over 8.5 million pupils.

Hand on Heart Charity wants to raise awareness of this and raise funds so that we can donate defibrillators to schools. 

In addition to providing the defibrillator, we also offer a variety of training options where we train a minimum of 8 staff on the use of the AED. We also teach 30 pupils how to perform two basic life support skills and CPR.